Industries, Energy, Labour and Mining Department
Being the most Pragmatic and progressive state in the country. Maharashtra is witnessing a sustainable growth in its urban and agrarian forefront. Based on general situation of development there is considerable rise in consumption of electricity which also leads to Electrical hazards causing citizens of Maharashtra succumbed to death, injuries and financial losses every year.
Undoubtedly Electrical safety is becoming most essential aspects of modern-day society as all lives matter to us it's my duty to safeguard each and every citizen's life from potential hazards arising due to electrical shocks, fires and lift casualty.
As the cities become bigger and buildings become taller urban planning demands sophisticated, modern elevator solutions which should be safe and secure my wing ensures the utmost safety of lift operations through periodic inspections.
With electrical safety as a highest priority, I am committed to enactment and implementation of rules, regulations and policies all across the state in legitimate environment pertaining to electrical and lift safety for safe living of peoples of Maharashtra.
The Electrical Inspectorate is a department working under Government of Maharashtra’s Industries, Energy, Labour and Mining Department. The main function of the department is to ensure safety of electrical installations as per the provisions of section 53 of Electricity Act 2003 & regulations made therein.
All the new HT/EHT installations above notified voltage. High rise building installation, lift installation, Cinema/Auditorium/Video/ Parlours are inspected by the officers of the department with the aspect of electrical safety and charging permission is granted if no shortcomings are observed if shortcomings are observed they are communicated to user and after successful mitigation of shortcomings charging permission is granted.
Periodical inspection of electrical installation above notified voltage is also carried by the officers of the department.
Electrical Contractor/ Supervisor/ Wireman license is issued by the Licensing Board of this department.
Taxes like Electricity Duty and Tax on Sale of Electricity is monitored by the department.
The provisions of the Household Electrical Appliance (Quality Control) Order 1981 and Electrical Wires Cables, Appliances and Protective Devices and Accessories (Quality Control) Order 2003 are also implemented by the department.
The most important function of the department is to conduct inquiry of electrical accidents. All fatal and non-fatal electrical accidents are investigated by the field officers as per the provision of Indian Electricity Act 2003 to find out the root cause of electrical accidents. The inquiry report is sent to the police for necessary action against the persons responsible for the electrical accident.